Hi, I’m Christina! Welcome to The Flawless Program. I’m so happy that you found me and my site.
If you’re here, then I’m guessing you or a loved one has unfortunately got a case of those red itchy bumps and/or flaky dry skin — what is commonly referred to as eczema or atopic dermatitis.
Don’t worry, you’re not alone!
My skin story
As someone who suffered from red itchy bumps and dry skin since I was 8, I grew up spending a LOT of time trying to stop my skin from breaking out. I’m the type of person who goes into a shopping spree over creams and lotions, and is pretty much willing to try any magic skin product. Because you never know! It just might work.
However no matter how many products I tried, the red itchy bumps stayed. They kept showing up on my legs, knees, feet arms and ankles!

How my break-outs started…
Eventually, my skin started to get embarrassingly bad (like I couldn’t wear regular clothes ), so I went to a doctor to find out what I had. This is when I learned I had something called “eczema” which is a chronic skin condition that many people have. The doctor prescribed me a couple of things to help me to manage it, things like steroid creams, anti-inflammatory pills and anti-histamines.
Whenever I had a breakout, out came these medications. I would apply and re-apply, all the time hoping that this time would be the last time I had to deal with these red itchy bumps and dry skin!
The realization: what’s really making me break out?
You know what people call “that realization point”? The time when you realize that you should probably start doing something, perhaps “make a change”?
You see, I was pretty sure there was NOTHING I could do about my red itchy skin. I thought it was just hereditary, or that I just got unlucky, a strange thing that happened to me by chance.
As the years went on though, I began noticing that there was something deeper to my breakouts. Some days, for example, my skin would be extremely good. I wouldn’t have a breakout for weeks and those red itchy bumps would go away.
However on other days it was like my skin would be red non-stop and the itching would go on for nights on end!
Did that ever happen to you? Like there’s kind of a pattern with the way your skin acts?
This was when I noticed — there was a HIDDEN connection behind my breakouts and specific things I was doing. My breakouts WEREN’T random!
What I did
Over time I started to be aware of specific things that were making be breakout. And, in just a few weeks of focusing on those things, I started to see real change.
The red itchy spots that seemed “stuck” started to fade away. The skin that was weeping all of a sudden stopped.
The dry flaky skin that I had for years, finally became soft and smooth.
I was finally on my way to clear skin!
The start of a Flawless life
I really wanted to start sharing what I was learning about my skin, so in 2014 I started this blog to talk about some of the things I found out. As it turned out, I wasn’t the only one who struggled with red itchy bumps or dry skin.
I quickly started receiving emails from people all around the world, who also started to get results after following the tips on this site. These people were becoming empowered to take control of their skin!
(==> See some of their amazing stories from people following The Flawless Program here!)
Now you know my story: why I started this website, and my mission to share what I know about eczema. If you are also inspired and want to start with us, I would absolutely love to help you begin!
All you have to do is watch my free clear skin videos here!
I tell you about the hidden things behind your breakouts, and what things you can do to easily achieve your own skin goals!
The information in my videos are simple with practical advice, but these small steps have changed my skin’s life, and helped thousands of others with their own skin. My hope is that it can start to change yours too. Go check it now! 😀