Carrageenan is a natural ingredient found in a lot of gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan or vegetarian goods. Canned or bottled coconut milk, almond milk, hemp milk, lactose-free milk, greek yogurts, puddings, and many other dairy substitutes and products often contain carrageenan as a ‘natural’ thickener. But just because something is ‘natural’, doesn’t always mean it’s good… Earlier this […]
Alcohol causes eczema: true or false?
Wine, spirits, liquor, cider, beer, or ale: does alcohol really affect eczema? When I first began my research into how to clear my 12-year eczema naturally, alcohol was something that I REALLY wanted to know about. On a research level, there were many questions that needed answers, like: – Is alcohol something you should avoid […]
Could “the pill” trigger acne and eczema?
Hey everyone! Today I want to talk about something I’ve actually been meaning to write about for a long time. Hopefully this can help you in making an informed decision, along with over 100 million other women who take the pill every year. Before we get started, let me make this clear. I’m not stating that you […]
Histamine and eczema: the side effects of whole foods
Histamine. Ever heard of it? If you haven’t, then don’t worry, you’re not alone. Most people don’t know what histamine is, where it comes from, or how whole foods could cause skin problems. I wanted to write an article about histamine because I had received a letter from one of my clients asking me for […]
Chocolate is Bad for Eczema: Truth or Medical Dogma?
Chocolate: dark, gooey, delicious, decadent… and bad for eczema? Is this REALLY the truth? Eczema is a skin disease that has been estimated to affect about 25% of people worldwide. Before The 30-day Flawless Program I suffered from this common affliction, and found out that this itchy, blistering skin irritation can be caused by a […]