Did you ever want to know what foods to eat for clear skin? Or what foods can make your skin look naturally fresh and flawless? As someone who struggled with eczema since I was 8 years old, I eventually began to notice that my overall skin looked and felt a lot better, around the times […]
Using Vitamin D3 supplements for faster eczema healing
In the 20th century, the most devastating disease of the Industrial Revolution emerged in Northern Europe and America: taking many lives and affecting more than 80 percent of young children who worked in cramped, poor, dark conditions. – They called it rickets. This skeletal disease (which scientists eventually linked to severe Vitamin D deficiencies), inspired […]
Probiotics for eczema: helpful or harmful? Read this before choosing.
As some of you know, I’ve been sharing in-depth about how my gut’s health was extremely important for me to heal my 12-year eczema. My recent video series: the key to clear your skin, was viewed by thousands of people all over the world, and is fast becoming one of the biggest resources on the gut-skin connection. […]
Building an eczema diet: healthy fats and bad fats
For decades, many of us have been mistakenly told to avoid fat. “Fatty” foods like red meat, butter, egg yolks, and bacon were considered a big “no-no”–only eaten on cheat days or secretly in shame. We were taught to embrace egg-whites omelets and to “lower our cholesterol” by cooking with canola oil instead. We were […]
Collagen: the secret skin remedy for eczema scarring
Today’s post is on eczema scars (or any scars, marks, blemishes in general) and how you can efficiently get rid of yours! After all, we are always looking for the fastest, safest way to get rid of eczema scars—and who can blame us? Eczema and other skin scars from skin issues like acne, pimples, etc., […]